AKSW Workgroup Page

This index includes vocabularies from the http://ns.aksw.org/, http://ns.ontowiki.net/ and http://ns.softwiki.de/ namespaces as well as other vocabularies maintained by the AKSW workgroup.


  • Namespace URI: http://ns.aksw.org/spatialHierarchy/

This RDF vocabulary is used for structuring spatial areas hierarchically. Additionally it is possible to add a temporal dimension to the desired spatial hierarchy.

OntoWiki System Ontology

  • Namespace URI: http://ns.ontowiki.net/SysOnt/

This schema model provides the vocabulary to configure the installation (e.g. terms for access control). Some terms are copied from FOAF.


  • Prefered Namespace URI: http://purl.org/req/
  • Deprecated Namespace URI: http://ns.softwiki.de/req/

Distributed Semantic Social Network

  • Namespace URI: http://purl.org/net/dssn/

Vocabulary for Historical Persons

  • Namespace URI: http://purl.org/voc/hp/

Vocabulary for Library Electronic Resource Management

  • Namespace URI: http://vocab.ub.uni-leipzig.de/bibrm/