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SANTé stands for Semantic Search Engine and is designed to simplify RDF data access and exploration. SANTé covers different aspects of search engines, such as indexing, ranking as well as interaction. You can use SANTé via the command line or via SANTé Web Interface (smile).

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SANTé in Multilingual support is in development cycle! See the other Branch for a detailed breakdown.

SANTé in 5 minutes using Docker

In this 5 minutes tutorial, we will help you to instantiate your first knowledge base search engine over FOAF ontology using KBox

1) Downloads KBox and instantiates the FOAF knowledge graph.

docker run --network=host aksw/kbox -server -kb ",,,,,,," -install

Loading Model...
Publishing service on http://localhost:8080/kbox/query
Service up and running ;-) ...

You can now access and query your knowledge graph at http://localhost:8080. Notice that in the example above, we also include RDFS, RDF, and OWL ontologies. That’s because we need their information to correctly instantiate FOAF ontology. If the SPARQL endpoint does not contain all necessary information, SANTé will not be capable of retrieving or searching for it and will display the resource as URI.

2) Creating the Volume

docker volume create index

This volume stores the index directory, so that it becomes accessible to all the docker images once it is set up.

3) Create the index.

Assuming that you successfully performed step (1) and (2),

docker build -t sante/main -f sante.main/Dockerfile .

Using the URI to generate the foaf_kg.

docker run --network=host -v index:/sante/foaf_kg -e endpoint=http://localhost:8080/kbox/query sante/main

The SANTé Main build creates the foaf_kg folder and inserts it into the mounted volume index.

4) Instantiate smile

docker build -t sante/smile -f .   

To run the docker image along with the specified index, here is the command:

docker run -p 7070:7070 -v index:/index -itd sante/smile

  ____    _    _   _ _____  __   __        _______ ____       _
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 \___ \ / _ \ |  \| | | || ____|  \ \ /\ / /|  _| |  _ \    / _ \ | '_ \| '_ \
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 |____/_/   \_\_| \_| |_||_____|    \_/\_/  |_____|____/  /_/   \_\ .__/| .__/
                                                                  |_|   |_|

2022-09-13 09:58:15.842  INFO 21938 --- [           main] org.aksw.sante.SanteWebApp               : Starting SanteWebApp v2.5.3 using Java 11.0.10 on ... with PID 21938
2022-09-13 09:58:15.846  INFO 21938 --- [           main] org.aksw.sante.SanteWebApp               : No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default

If you correctly executed all the steps above, now you should be able to access SANTé at http://localhost:7070.

About the project

SANTé © by Edgard Marx.


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Thank you to the contributors!