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Known Issues and Limitation

Blank Nodes

There many issues regarding RDF blank nodes such as no uniformity or standard way of tackling them. To avoid custom implementations, we have made a design decision not to support blank nodes. If your dataset happens to have blank nodes, you should perform a canonization using the query below (customizing it according to your needs). This query will assign an URI with the prefix blanknode:// to every blank node of your dataset.

DELETE {?s ?p ?o}
INSERT {?s ?p ?cO}
     ?s ?p ?o.
     bind (iri(concat("blanknode://",SHA1(STR(iri(?o))))) as ?cO)

DELETE {?s ?p ?o}
INSERT {?cS ?p ?o}
    ?s ?p ?o.
	bind (iri(concat("blanknode://",SHA1(STR(iri(?s))))) as ?cS)